All are welcome!
MHC Community Circle
Join Us
Weekly Community Circle
Please let us know if you would like to attend to receive detailed information.
What to Expect
Every week we gather in a circle and light a candle, saying simply, “We light this candle for the woman who is still on the streets, may she find her way home.”
A member of our group opens the circle by reading a few reflections from "Find Your Way", followed by a personal reflection.
We offering each person the opportunity to reflect on the reading.
Not everyone offers a reflection - it is enough that you are here.
If it is your first time, please let us know. We would like to welcome you into the community as a lifelong friend.
If the reading has prompted a reflection, please share. Remember that we are here to listen and learn, and not to teach.
After everyone has had a chance to speak, we gather in a circle and close with the Serenity Prayer.